Action Steps from Chapter 4

1. Check out the list of the 7 beliefs that will keep your relationship stuck.

The List of 7 Limiting Beliefs that Keep Relationships Stuck:

1. There’s no such thing as a great phenomenal marriage.

2. My spouse will not or cannot change.

3. Change always takes a long time.

4. I can’t forgive.

5. I am a victim.

6. My past must equal my future.

7. If my spouse is not willing to try, there is no use.

2. What have been some of the beliefs that you have historically held, that have not served your marriage well?

3. Which beliefs do you most resonate with today?

4. Make the decision to believe that your marriage can be phenomenal. Believe that you have the power to make it phenomenal. Believe that you will choose and commit to making your marriage phenomenal.

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